You deserve a COMFORTABLE and RELAXING dental experience
Oral sedation dentistry, also known as relaxation, sleep or anxiety free dentistry, allows patients who have anxiety, fear, sensitive gag reflexes or time restrictions to have all their dentistry needs taken care of in a single, safe and comfortable environment.
During this procedure, sedative medication is administered that helps the patient relax, by slowing the action of the central nervous system. Patients remain aware of their surroundings, but are less responsive to external stimuli, like the sound of the drill or the smell of the materials. The number of patients who are afraid of the dentist can be as high as 20 percent. For these individuals and many others, sedative medication can make oral care easier to tolerate. When patients are comfortable – but still awake – the dentist is able to proceed more efficiently.
How are the sedatives administered?
Sedatives are given to patients in a variety of ways, including by mouth, under the tongue, or inhaled through the nose.
Are there going to be any side effects?
In addition to creating a feeling of deep relaxation, sedative medication may produce other effects. Patients may feel the hours pass very quickly or otherwise retain little memory of their time in the dental office.
Is a consultation required?
Yes, due to every patient’s health history being unique. A consultation appointment is required, prior to any oral sedation being administered.
How should I expect to feel during treatment?
Most patients feel calmer and more relaxed after taking sedative medication. Patients will remain alert, responsive and will be able to answer questions.
What will recovery be like?
For longer appointments, the remainder of the day should be taken off. For shorter appointments, only half a day may be necessary. Patients need to stay hydrated and drink lots of fluids. There will be limitations to driving and lifting heavy machinery within the first 24 hours.
Will my insurance cover this?
Every insurance plan is different. To make sure there are no surprise fees after the insurance payment, WNY Dental will always send out a pre-authorization to verify coverage ahead of time.
Do I need to prepare for the sedation visit?
You may receive a prescription to take the night before, the day of your appointment to guarantee a good night’s sleep and to make sure you wake up relaxed. You will also be needing a companion to drive you to the appointment. Your driver will stay in the building for the duration of the appointment.
Dr. Williams, who joined WNY Dental Group in 2016, administers the conscious oral sedation from the group’s Depew location. Dr. Williams decided to obtain his additional license when he saw how many patients have anxiety and time restrictions when it comes to having dental work completed. Dr. Williams has vast experience in working with medically complex patients, nervous/anxious patients and operating room dentistry.
I take care of people, not just teeth. Dentistry is unique, in that we often have many options to solve a problem. I work with the patient to provide the best solution for them. – Dr. Philip Williams